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发布时间:2023-06-06 08:38:36

Ⅰ 生产一个蛋托的利润是多少


Ⅱ 请问纸托(鸡蛋托).和泡沫比较,谁的价格高啊.


Ⅲ 首饰模具一套大概多少钱/.


Ⅳ 鸡蛋的蛋托是怎么做的,什么工艺



3、第三步是比较关键的,将软化处理好的塑料片连同木柜,置于真空室中,开动吸气开关,将真空室内空气吸抽干净,待塑料片冷却后,即得到与模具相同的凹型鸡蛋托。 然后就是鸡蛋包装盒整理;将生产出来的鸡蛋托进行修边整理后,才是成品的鸡蛋包装盒,这样就可以出厂进行销售了。











Ⅳ 英文翻译:蛋托模具使用说明

Removing and cleaning demolition sites and ready 1 work, mould disassembly, cleaning, repair and maintenance should be in special places. The site should be sufficiently far from the " rough " proction area. The workplace should be kept clean, and the pad to the corrugated cardboard or rubber plate. 2, the work area shall have a variety of tools ( screwdriver, wrench ), soft Guapian ( brass, soft aluminum procts ), cleaning and polishing materials, as there may be extrusion die preheating device. 3, extrusion die should take the advantage of heat removing, must work quickly to avoid premature cooling. When the die is extrusion machine, the mold is heated to a temperature higher than the proction when the temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, then stop heating disconnect all power, rapid release on the side plate fastening Ross, removing the lower sides of side plates. In the mold is still at the high temperature state, loosen the upper and lower mold body of the fastening screw, and the host connection screw. After using the crane to hang the upper die body is placed in close proximity to the work area, and quickly clean, a lower die body. Clear channel must use soft wiper blade or a copper brush, in the flow passage of any resial resin need to clean up, can use paraffin or solvent cleaning, do not use a steel appliances. In 4, the mold cooling after the clean-up: mold flow and seal rings should use soft blade, thin flat stone and metallographic sandpaper to clean and polish the surface with a soft mold other, a scraper and 240# above the fine sandpaper to clean, each equipped with contact and non-contact surface should be clean and Yu Shu. In 5, when the work has been completed, it can be further assembly. The assembly should be checked before the finish mold runner, must remove smaller small scratches, relatively strict injury should be sent back to the factory repair. 6, in the extrusion die formally before the assembly, preferably the channel is coated with thin layer of organic silicone grease, such as molybdenum ore or graphite grease, to ensure that the mold ring operation and disassembly are very convenient. In 7, the assembly should be paid attention to when assembling size to meet the requirements of assembly, the right, in the mold in the state of cooling when tightening the screw is connected, when the die and extrusion machine links stability and heated to operating temperature should be tightened again after correction of each connecting screws.



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