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发布时间:2023-06-01 06:32:04

㈠ 塑胶模具常用英语词汇对照表

Mould components & Accessories
Mould base 模胚 Bolts 螺栓
Mould frame 模架 screw 螺丝
Top clamp plate 面板 Stripper screw 脱料螺丝
Bottom clamp plate 底板 F.H.C. screw(flat head cap screw) 平头螺丝
Socket head sountersunk screws 平头螺丝
Hot runner plate 热流道板 S.H.C. screw( socket head cap screw) 杯头螺丝
Runner plate 水口板 hexagonal socket head cap screw 杯头螺丝
A plate A板 Hexagonal head screw 六角头螺丝
B plate B板 Grub screw 无头螺丝(等高螺丝
Stripper plate 推板 Ball screw 波仔螺丝
Support plate 支撑板 Shoulder screw 限位螺丝(带肩螺丝,塞打螺丝)
Spacer plate 方铁 latch 插销
Ejector retainer plate 顶针面板 baffle 隔水片
Ejector plate 顶针板 plugs 喉塞
Insulating plate 隔热板 Jiffy plugs 喉咀
Cavity 前模 o-ring 密封圈
Cavity insert 前模镶件 Cooling tube 散热管
Core 后模 spring 弹簧
Core insert 后模 Support pillar 撑头
Slide 行位 Stop pin 垃圾钉
Slide insert 行位镶件 Dowel pin 管钉
jaw 行位压块 Spacer ring/washer 间隙圈
Slide wear plate 行位耐磨块 Venting slots 排气槽
Slide guide block 行位导向块 thermocouple 电热偶
Slide lock 行位锁/行位扣 Thermocouple connector 接线盒
Wedge block 铲机 Limit switch 限位开关
W.B. wear plate 铲机耐磨块 probe 探针
Core pin 镶针 Pry bar slots 开模槽
Angle pin 斜导柱 Safety strap 模锁
Angle lifter 斜顶 Lifting eye bolt 吊环(方向已固定)
Lifter guide block 斜顶导向块 Hydraulic cylinder 油缸
Lifter base 斜顶座 Air cylinder 气缸
Press block 模料挤紧块 Hydraulic motor 马达
hoist ring 吊环(可转动方向) Knock out hole 顶棍孔
Parting lock 树脂开闭器(尼龙扣)
Name plate 铭牌 Straight side interlocks T型锁(直身锁)
Date code 日期印 Tapered interlocks 斜度锁
Cavity number 模穴号 sensor 感应器
engrave 刻字/凹入 heater 加热器
Raised out 凸出 K.O. insert 顶棍孔镶件
Gate type & runner
Drop gate 点水口 Sprue bushing 唧嘴
Pin point gate 细水口 Sprue/gate 浇口
Edge/side gate 边水口
Center sprue/sprue gate 中心进胶/直浇口 runner shut off 流道开关/转水口
Sub gate 潜水口 Runner lock pin 水口扣针
Tunnel gate 隧道浇口 Puller 拉钩
Ring gate 环形浇口 Sprue lock pin 拉料杆
Fan gate 扇形浇口 Slag well 冷料井
Valve gate 针阀式水口
Banana gate 香蕉水口
Guide&Locating system
Guide pin/leader pin 导柱 Grinder研磨机 Crane 天车(吊车)
Guide bushes 导套 Grinding machine 磨床 Groover machine 开槽机
locating ring 法兰 Lathe machine 车床 Radial drill摇臂钻床
EGB( ejector guide bush) 中托司 Milling machine 铣床 Wire cut machine 线割机
Ejecting system
Ejector pin 顶针 Gear 齿轮
Stepped ejector pin 有托顶针 Rack 齿条
Blade ejector 扁顶针 Bearing 轴承
Ejector bar 顶块 Roller bearings 滚珠轴承
Sleeve 司筒 Retraction spring 复位弹簧
Stripper plate 推板 Return pin 回针
Unscrewing 脱螺纹 Two-stage ejector 二次顶出
Ejector retainer plate 顶针面板 chain 链条
Ejector plate 顶针板 Chain wheel 链轮
Stop block 限位块 key 键
Ejector bushes 顶针套

Specification of Injection Moulding Machine
Diameter of the location ring 法兰直径
Nozzle radius 机嘴半径
Nozzle injection hole diameter 机嘴注射孔直径
Depth for the nozzle into the mould 机嘴进入模具的深度
KO hole distance KO孔间距
fine thread 细螺纹
Rough thread 粗螺纹
mould opening distance 开模距离
mould thickness 模具厚度
tie bar distance Tie Bar 距离
Injection defects
flash 披锋 Warpage/deformation 变形
Ejected mark 顶白 Step 断差/台阶
Weld line 熔接线 Short shots 短胶
Sink mark 缩水 Sharp corner 尖角
Gas trapped 困气 Sharp edge 尖边
Scratch marks 拖花 Air bubble 气泡
Kiss off 碰穿 Short shot 短射(欠充填)
Shut off 擦穿位 Flow mark 流纹
Sticking cavity 粘前模
Sticking core 粘后模
Mould design
plastic 胶位 radius 半径
Draft angle 拔模角 Diameter 直径
Fillet/ inside radius 圆角 Inner diameter/I.D. 内径
Outside radius 外转角 Outer diameter/O.D. 外径
Sprue bush radius 机嘴球半径 boss 柱位
Corner radius 转角半径 Rib 骨位
Part drawing 产品图 hole 孔
Mould drawing 模图 Pre-hardened steel 预硬钢
Plastic material 胶料 Through hardened steel 全硬钢
Parting line 分型面 Filling uneven 走胶不平衡
Plastic thickness 胶厚 Balanced runner 平衡水口系统
Shrinkage rate 缩水率
Cycle time 循环周期
Surface treatment
EDM 火花纹 Demoulding polish 脱模抛光
High polish 高抛光
Medium polish 中抛光
Optical/mirror polish 镜面抛光
chrome 镀铬
Texture 蚀纹


㈡ 塑料加工和模具专业英语的一些翻译,有点小难度,大家来看看 答一句是一句

When polymers are fabricated into useful articles they are referred to sa plastics,rubbers, and fibers.
There is no agerrment(打错了吧) as to the minimum molecular weight of a substance in order for it to be classified as a polymer, however, a practical figure would be about 1000 to 5000.
The physcial properties of polymer are the determining fators the design engineer must use in selectinga ploymer with those properties which most nearly meet the requirements of a proct.
聚合物的物理属性是设计工程师必须使用的决定性因素,主要在用这些几乎满足产品要求的属性来选择聚合物。Injection molding machines are manufactured in many sizes.There are two basic units in an injection molding machine; one for injecting the heated palstic (打错了吧,已省略)and one for opening and closing the mold.The reciprocating screw is the most commonly used plasticating unit.The mold is at the core of a plastic manufacturing process because its cavity gives apart its shape.Molds used in injection molding consist of two halves;one staionary and one movable.Mold [and die] parts that that are mass-proced and standardized in shape and dimension are referred to as standards[or standard parts]

㈢ 蚀纹 或者 晒纹在模具中怎么用英语说的!

Texture ,就是把钢料的型腔面用药水腐蚀成你想要的皮纹的一种工艺。----SINO

㈣ 模具英语中,die,mold,mould有什么区别,跪求,谢谢!!!


㈤ 模具用英文怎么说

问题一:开模具的英文怎扒蠢含么说 开 make, open, develop
表示模具的词有“mould” “die”
open a mould,
make a mould,
develop a mould,

问题二:模具课 用英语怎么说 业界通常会分开来谈,五金模具叫:tooling盯or die set
工厂的 模具课 部门叫:tooling/mould department或tooling/mould division
上模具课叫:have a tooling/mould class
模具课程叫:tooling/mould course

问题三:模具设计与制造!用英文怎么说? 正确的英文是:Tooling Design and Manufacture
1,mould design and manufacturing:塑料模具设计与制造
2,tool design and manufacturing :刀具设计与制造
3,die design and manufacturing:冲压模具设计与制造

问题四:模具,五金模 用英文怎么说? mould , hardware mould

问题五:一副模具用英语怎么说 A pair of mold

问题档斗六:模具一出四用英语怎么说 4 Cav.

问题七:手版用英文怎么说 prototype 较常用

问题八:请问 上模和下模 用英文怎么说??也就是上面的模春笑具和下面的模具 上模是Above the mould
下模是Below the mould

问题九:模具设计与制造,用英文怎么说 模具设计与制造
Mold design and manufacture

问题十:模具费 用英语怎么说,谢谢 完全正确!cost就是费用,成本,moulding或mould都是说得通的!

㈥ 模具方面的专业英语翻译:水口过长,披锋,气纹,夹线,积油,少油,飞油,拉丝,超压线有油漆,无明显段

Runner is too longer, flashes, flow mark, welding line, oid st, brush finish, extend line painted, no obvious step.

㈦ 做样品的模具和做大货的模具,用英语分别该怎么说啊

做样品的模具:Make the mould of the sample
做大货的模具:Do big goods mould

㈧ 这是什么意思模具上的英语


sprue bushing 浇口套
spreader 喷嘴
ejector coupling 顶出连接器
centering ring 定位圈
cavity block ejector side 动模框
cavity block fixed side 定模框
slide carrier 滑块托架(不确定)
slide nose 滑块头(不确定)
slide wear plate 滑块耐磨板
slide guide rails 滑块导轨
slide locks 锁紧块
cores in slide 暗抽 (不确定)
cores ejector side 动模镶块
cores fixed side 定模镶块
ejector / pins 顶针/顶杆
CAM 计算机辅助管理
electrodes 电极

mounting plate 底板/取付板
mold base ejector side 动模模架
mold base fixed side 定模模架
support pillar 支撑住
ejector plates 顶针板
spacer rails 垫块导轨(不确定)
spacer plate 垫块

㈨ “模具”用英语怎么说

mold; mould; die; tooling;matrix; pattern

㈩ 开模具英语怎么说

问题一:开模具的英文怎么说 开 make, open, develop
表示模具的词有“mould” “die”
open a mould,
make a mould,
develop a mould,

问题二:宏贺请问,开模具的英文怎么说? 表示模具的词有“mould” “die” open,make,develop客户应该都可以明白的

问题三:开模英语怎么说,比如手机壳要开模 开模是break the mould,我们对老外说open the mould他们也明白。名词是die sinking或mould unloading.
如果你的意思是要开一副模具即做一副模具那可用to make a mould.

问题四:求助:开模具的英语怎么说 Open mould

问题五:“开模用英语怎么说呀 e when you least expect them to.

问题六:"开模具"如何用英文表达 prepare the mold
fabricate the mold
简单的比方吧, 比如制作一个心型蛋糕,你可以把面团放在心形的模子里面一次成型。

问题七:“模具打开行程”用英语怎么说呀?谢谢。 mould open stroke

问题八:模具课 用英语怎么说 业界通常滑罩会分开来谈信绝闹,五金模具叫:tooling盯or die set
工厂的 模具课 部门叫:tooling/mould department或tooling/mould division
上模具课叫:have a tooling/mould class
模具课程叫:tooling/mould course

问题九:模具费 用英语怎么说,谢谢 完全正确!cost就是费用,成本,moulding或mould都是说得通的!

问题十:"开模具" 用英文怎么说? make a mold



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