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㈠ 客戶有一批鍍鋅板表面不做任何處理,現在表面氧化有黑點,怎樣才能去掉黑點,顏色又一致呢



㈡ 熱鍍鋅變色的處理

  1. 只有重新二抄次鍍鋅才可以。

  2. 熱鍍鋅(galvanizing) 也叫熱浸鋅和熱浸鍍鋅:是一種有效的金屬防腐方式,主要用於各行業的金屬結構設施上。是將除銹後的鋼件浸入500℃左右融化的鋅液中,使鋼構件表面附著鋅層,從而起到防腐的目的。

  3. 熱鍍鋅工藝流程:成品酸洗-水洗-加助鍍液-烘乾-掛鍍-冷卻-葯化-清洗-打磨-熱鍍鋅完工。

㈢ 熱鍍鋅板表面發黑為什麼















㈣ 我是做鍍鋅絲的,最近鍍鋅絲一直不亮,發灰還有斑點,是怎麼回事希望同行或者技術人員能給點建議。急求


㈤ 熱鍍鋅鐵絲顏色不光亮,發黑發烏,怎麼辦


㈥ 鍍鋅時鍍件凹窪處鍍層不光亮、發暗是何原因如何解決

鍍件的凹窪處都屬於低電流區。此區發暗不光亮的原因主要和解決辦法有以下幾個專: 1)電流小。加屬大電流至鍍件邊角上剛出現有氣體析出為止。 2)溶液溫度過高。用溫度計測量時,一般鍍液溫度超過40。C後這種現象比較常見。有報道說,加入30.409/L氯化銨可改善。 3)鍍液分散能力差。鹼性鍍鋅溶液中火鹼含量低,或氧化鋅含量高。氯化鉀鍍鋅時,氯化鉀含量低都會出現這些毛病。 4)光亮劑不足。光亮劑不足時,也表現出低電流區不光亮。如果加光亮劑不見效:應*l,JJtl開缸劑。 5)雜質的影響。鉛、銅、有機物雜質都會使低電流區不光亮。打霍爾槽片,使用總電流O.5A,鍍lOmin後經水洗和硝酸出光,低電流區發棕色證明是鉛。.黑色證明是銅,發白暗不光亮是有機雜質。前兩種用鋅紛處理,後一種打活性炭處理。

㈦ 請問鍍鋅鋼管打磨亮了,過幾天又會發烏怎麼辦

  1. 鍍鋅鋼管打磨亮過幾抄天又會發烏解決方法:


  2. 鍍鋅鋼管在實際使用中很少有進行打磨的,因為鍍鋅的目的就是為了防止生銹,防止發烏。

  3. 鍍鋅鋼管分為冷鍍鋅鋼管、熱鍍鋅鋼管,冷鍍鋅鋼管已被禁用,後者還被國家提倡暫時能使用。熱鍍鋅鋼管廣泛應用於建築、機械、煤礦、化工、鐵道車輛、汽車工業、公路、橋梁、集裝箱、體育設施、農業機械、石油機械、探礦機械等製造工業。

㈧ 鍍鋅板表面變黑了能還原嗎


㈨ 專業文章翻譯:熱浸鍍鋅層塗裝前表面處理

Preparing Hot Dip Galvanizing for Painting – It』s not Overly Complicated


文章來自防腐塗裝良心網站KTAuniversity,原文鏈接  請點這里

Bare galvanizing provides excellent corrosion protection at a pH between 7 and 13, but corrosion of the zinc increases as the pH becomes more acidic (less than 7), or more alkaline (greater than 13).  When galvanizing is exposed to the lower or higher pH ranges, it should be painted.  Paint should also be applied when aesthetics is important, regardless of pH.  Unfortunately, when galvanizing is painted, paint failures can occur (Photo 1), but they are easy to prevent through proper surface preparation.

在 ph 值為7和13的情況下, 僅憑鍍鋅就可以提供優異的腐蝕保護, 但鋅的腐蝕會稿侍隨著 ph 值變酸性 (小於 7) 或鹼性 (大於 13) 而提高。 當鍍鋅層暴露在更低或更高的 pH 值范圍內時, 應當進行塗裝。 當外觀比較重要時, 無論 pH 值如何, 也應該塗裝。 不幸的是, 對鍍鋅表面塗裝時, 很可能發生塗層失效 (照片 1), 但通過適當的表面處理這很容坦斗易防止。

Photo 1 – Typical failure of paint to galvanizing e to lack of surface preparation.

照片 1-由於缺乏表面處理造成的典型塗層失效。

Surface preparation is the key to assuring successful coating adhesion and performance.  The extent of preparation required depends on the answers to these four questions:

Was the galvanizing passivated?

Is the galvanizing new?

Is the galvanizing partially weathered?

Is the galvanizing aged?






Passivating Treatments – Passivation is a common practice used at the time of galvanizing to rece the formation of white storage stain.  Unfortunately, passivating treatments applied to galvanizing (especially chromate treatments) can interfere with the adhesion of coatings.  If the galvanized steel is going to be painted, the galvanizer should be notified in advance, so that the passivation step can be eliminated.  Frequently, however, parts have already been galvanized and the user does not know whether a treatment was applied.  When in doubt, the surface should be tested.  A suitable procere is provided in SSPC-SP16, Brush-Off Blast Cleaning of Coated and Uncoated Galvanized Steel, Stainless Steels, and Non-Ferrous Metals.」  Section 4.3.3 of the standard offers the following:

鈍化處理  – 鈍化是鍍鋅時常用的一種方法,以減少鍍鋅件儲存時白銹印跡的形成。不幸的是,對鍍鋅件的鈍化處理(特別是鉻酸鹽處理)會影響塗層的附著力。如果鍍鋅件要塗裝,應提前通知鍍鋅人員,以便取消鈍化步驟。然而,實際情況通常是部件已經鍍鋅完成但用戶不知道是否進行了鈍化處理。如有疑問,應對表面進行測試。SSPC - SP16中提供了一個合適的程序,即「塗裝和未塗裝鍍鋅件、不銹鋼和有色金屬表面的掃砂處理標准。」 該標准第4.3.3節規定如下:

If all three areas turn black immediately, there is no passivation on the surface. If the first area does not turn black within 10 seconds and the second and third areas turn black immediately, there is no passivation on the surface with the possible exception of light oil. If the first and second areas do not turn black within 10 seconds and the third area turns immediately, a passivator of some type is present.

If it is present, mechanical cleaning is typically required to remove it, although some of the etching/cleaning solutions discussed below suggest that they will also remove some treatments.  Before using them, it is recommended that the etching cleaner be applied to discrete areas followed by the testing described above to determine if the treatment is removed.  If the project schele permits, weathering of 12 to 18 months prior to painting, should also eliminate any treatment that may have been present.



New and Partially Weathered Galvanizing – If the age of the galvanizing is less than approximately 48 hours, it may be possible to coat it as is, but if it is weathered between a couple days and approximately one year (termed partially weathered), surface preparation will be required.  Two methods that are commonly used to prepare the galvanizing are cleaning/etching with a phosphoric acid/detergent blend and abrasive blast cleaning.

Etching solutions are used to clean, ll, and roughen the surface for proper coating adhesion.  The solution is applied to the surface, typically scrubbed with a synthetic abrasive pad, thoroughly rinsed, and force dried.  Examples of solutions can be found in the Master Painters Institute (MPI) qualified procts list #25, Cleaner, Etching, for Galvanized Metal ( http://www.specifypaint.com/APL/paintinfo_APL_new/MpiNumber.asp?ID=25000 ).

新的和部分風化的鍍鋅層 –    如果鍍鋅時間小於約48小時,可以直接塗裝,但如果鍍鋅層經過在幾天至約一年之間的風化(稱為部分風化),則需要進行表面處理。通常用於鍍鋅件的兩種表面處理方法是噴砂清理和用磷酸/洗滌劑混合物進行清理/蝕刻。

蝕刻清洗液用於表面清理、表面暗化和粗糙化以獲得適當的塗層附著力。將溶液施加到表面上,通常用合成研磨片研磨,徹底沖洗,並烘乾乾燥。溶液種類可在「Master Painters Institute ( MPI )」認證產品列表#25「鍍鋅金屬的蝕刻清洗液」中找到。( http://www.specifypaint.com/APL/paintinfo_APL_new/MpiNumber.asp?ID=25000 )

Abrasive blast cleaning is performed according to SSPC-SP16.  Excerpts from a few paragraphs of the standard describing the cleaning of bare, uncoated metal (galvanizing) are repeated below.  The sentences that were redacted address the criteria for any paint remaining on the surface, which is not applicable to this article.

噴砂清理根據SSPC - SP16進行。以下是標准中描述清理裸露未塗裝金屬(已鍍鋅)的幾段摘錄。節略的部分是關於表面殘留油漆的標准,不適用於本文因此省略。

Paragraph 4.3.1 of the standard requires the removal of wet storage stain by means other than blast cleaning since the 「dwell time」 required to remove it by blast cleaning can damage the galvanizing.  Other methods are addressed in a non-mandatory Appendix.  Appendix Section A3 indicates that salts from wet storage stain can be removed with a nylon brush and water, or a dilute solution of acetic or citric acid, lime juice, or white vinegar, followed by rinsing with a large amount of water.

Appendix Section A8.1 indicates that to rece the risk of damage, blast cleaning is done with relatively low nozzle pressures (A8.2) and a softer abrasive with a Mohs hardness of 5 or less (A8.1.1.).

Appendix Section A9 recommends that the thickness of the galvanizing be measured before blast cleaning and again after blast cleaning to confirm that it meets the specified thickness.  The thickness requirements may be found in the procurement documents, or as required in ASTM A123, Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Procts, or ASTM A153/153M, Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.

The Appendix (A9.2) cautions that in the presence of moisture, zinc oxides can form quickly on the surface after preparation, so it should remain dry, and painted as soon as possible.  The same recommendations for a minimum 5°F (3°C) spread between surface temperature and dew point temperature when preparing steel (steel temperature being the higher of the two), also apply to galvanizing.


附錄部分A8.1指出,為了降低鋅層破壞風險,噴砂清理採用相對較低的噴嘴壓力( A8.2 )和莫氏硬度為5或更低的較軟磨料( A8.1.1 )。

附錄A9建議在噴砂清理前和噴砂清理後測量鍍鋅層厚度,以確認其符合規定膜厚。厚度要求見采購文件,或ASTM A123《鋼鐵製品鍍鋅(熱浸鍍鋅)標准規范》或ASTM A153/153M《鋼鐵五金件鍍鋅(熱浸鍍鋅)規范》。

附錄( A9.2 )警告稱,在潮濕條件下,噴砂清理後會在表面會迅速形成鋅氧化物,因此應保持乾燥,並盡快塗裝。與鋼結構表面處理相同,鍍鋅層表面處理時同樣建議表面溫度超出露點溫度至少5°F ( 3°C )。

Aged Galvanizing – When galvanizing has weathered for 12 to 18 months, the surface will have oxidized and can often be prepared for painting by pressure washing alone.  The key is to remove surface dirt and debris as well as zinc salts and confirm that the surface is ll (photo 2).

鍍鋅層老化  – 當鍍鋅層已經風化12至18個月時,表面將被氧化,並且通常只需要高壓清洗處理就可以准備塗裝。關鍵是清除表面污物和鋅渣以及鋅鹽,並確認表面暗化(圖2 )。

Photo 2 – Exterior surfaces of the galvanizing have weathered and can likely be painted after pressure washing to remove the salts, but note the lack of oxidation and the visible spangle in the in the protected area (red arrow).  A test patch should be applied to determine if the adhesion is adequate without roughening and lling the surface.

圖2– 鍍鋅層的外表面已經風化,可以在高壓清洗除去鹽分後進行塗裝。但請注意保護區(紅色箭頭)內氧化物不多,有可見亮色的金屬鋅,應在該區域小范圍塗漆測試,以確定未粗糙暗化的表面塗料附著力是否足夠。

Depending on the condition of the steel, 3,000 psi with a rotating tip may be adequate, but it』s best to apply a test patch of the coating after cleaning and check the adhesion to make certain.  If there is any doubt regarding the adhesion of the coating, either of the methods described above for partially weathered galvanizing (etching cleaner or SP-16 Brush-Off Blast) should be used.


Conclusion – Most coating failures on galvanizing are the result of poor adhesion of the coating to the galvanizing.  Poor adhesion is typically caused by a lack of roughening of the smooth galvanizing, an abundance of zinc salts beneath the coating film, or the presence of a passivating treatment that inhibits adhesion of the coating. When properly prepared, coatings will adhere well to galvanizing and improve the aesthetics and corrosion protection afforded by the galvanizing.  This article described a few common methods or preparing galvanizing for painting.  Other methods are described in:

ASTM D6386, Standard Practice for Preparation of Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coated Iron and Steel Proct and Hardware Surfaces for Painting

ASTM D7396, Standard Guide for Preparation of New, Continuous Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Surfaces for Painting

結論 – 鍍鋅過程中的大多數塗層失效是由於塗層與鍍鋅層的附著力差造成的。附著力差通常是由於光滑鍍鋅層的粗糙度不足、塗層下面鋅鹽的大量存在或抑制塗層粘附的鈍化處理而引起的。經過適當的塗裝前表面處理,塗層將很好地粘附到鍍鋅層上,並改善鍍鋅層的美觀性和防腐性。本文介紹了幾種常用的塗裝前鍍鋅層表面處理方法。其他方法記錄於如下標准:

ASTM D6386, 鍍鋅(熱浸鍍鋅)鋼鐵製品和五金件塗裝前表面處理的標准操作規程

ASTM D7396, 新的連續鍍鋅鋼材塗裝前表面處理的標准指南


Ken Trimber is the President of KTA-Tator, Inc. He is Chairman of the SSPC Surface Preparation Committee and the SSPC Visual Standards Committee, as well as a member of the SSPC Standards Review Committee and ASTM DOl responsible for developing, reviewing and approving standards like the ones described in this article. He can be reached at [email protected]

ken Trimber,KTA-Tator公司的總裁,SSPC表面處理委員會和SSPC目視標准委員會主席,SSPC標准審查委員會和ASTM DOl成員,負責制定、審查和批准類似文中所述的標准。作者郵箱地址  [email protected]

㈩ 使用鍍鋅藍白鈍化劑鈍化後工件膜層的顏色會逐漸變暗該怎麼辦




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