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发布时间:2021-02-16 20:02:51

❶ 求《钢铁侠3》开头的音乐。


❷ 钢铁侠3开场时的背景音乐

Eiffel 65-Blue 不知道是不是这个开场慢摇 不过那个貌似是重新做的中文版回 网上没有 下面是试听地答址

❸ 钢铁侠3开头的那首歌叫什么名字

Blue(Da Ba Dee)

❹ 钢铁侠3开场曲是什么歌,有中文歌词的那首


❺ 钢铁侠3片头曲叫什么

钢铁侠片头曲:《Blue (Da Ba Dee)》
词曲:Eiffel 65
主唱Jeffrey Jey、
键盘手Maurizio Lobina
混音师Gabry Ponte

Yo listen up.
Heres the story about a little guy that lives in a blue world.
And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue like him.
Inside and outside.
Blue his house with a blue little window and a blue corvette.
And everything is blue for him and his-self.
And everybody around cuz he aint got nobody to listen.
Im blue da ba dee da ba di .
da ba dee da ba di .
da ba dee da ba di .
da ba dee Da ba di .
da ba dee da ba di .
(repeat once).
I have a blue house with a blue window.
Blue is the color I thought that i'd wear.
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too.
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue.
Blue are the people here that walk around.
Blue like my corvette its standing outside.
Blue are the words I say and what I think.
Blue are the feelings that live inside me.
Im blue da ba dee da ba di .
da ba dee da ba di .
da d ba dee da ba di .
da ba dee Da ba di .
da ba dee da ba di .
(repeat twice).
Indside and outside.
Blue his house with the blue little window and a blue corvette.
And everything is blue for him and his-self.
And everybody around cuz he aint got nobody to listen.
Im blue da ba dee da ba di .
da ba dee da ba di .
da ba dee da ba di .
da ba dee da ba di .
da ba dee da ba di .
(repeat once).

听好了 这是个有关一个生活在阴郁世界里的小人物的故事。
白天晚上他所见到的都是蓝色 就象他表面和内在只有沮丧。
还有辆蓝色的雪佛兰 所有的事 所有的人 他自己 对他来说都是阴郁的。
街道是蓝的 甚至树也是蓝的。
我有个女朋友 她是那么的忧郁沮丧。
周围人们的沮丧 就好象我那辆停在外面的雪佛兰。

❻ 钢铁侠3片头曲叫什么名字呀!

Blue - Da Ba Dee是片头曲,还有一首BAD GUY

❼ 钢铁侠3片头的音乐是什么

Blue - Da Ba Dee

❽ 钢铁侠3电影开头的那首歌叫什么




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