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发布时间:2021-02-17 10:46:17

钢铁森林 用英语怎么说

steel forest

⑵ 什么样的瞬间让你明白这是个钢铁丛林的社会


⑶ 驯龙记的英文翻译

A long time ago, when the world has not been poured into the steel jungle, when the technology has not yet made up invincible, Scandinavian masters of the land, based on hunting, fishing as the main livelihood of the nomadic Vikings. West down the sun rises in the east, strong, tall Viking and their wives and children, live a happy life comfortable. Just as people today can be flies, mosquitoes, rats, bugs, like those nasty guys disturb and threaten the Vikings have bothered the "pests" - Long. Those flying flame, the canine teeth of the dragon's violations, so Viking no peace. Thus, generation after generation of pirates with tribal chiefs subjects, and the dragon fight to the death battle.

⑷ 一首逆战帮帮精灵里的钢铁森林打BOSS视频的音乐,我不会英语就用个拼下来so wei mai so wei kei so you

still waiting 是一个组合唱版的权 ....http://ke..com/view/2629032.htm http://music..com/song/1505970?fm=altg3

⑸ 逆战上钢铁森林上空军支援那句英文

哥,你用搜狗拼音翻译一下不就行了 ,反正中文你都知道了,直翻就行了。



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